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Teen Court

Let the Youth Decide


What is Teen Court?

Teen Court is a peer justice and juvenile diversion program. Juvenile offenders of non-violent crimes may be referred to the program where a court of their peers will determine their sentence. If the juvenile offender completes their sentence, they will be have the charge(s) removed from their record. If the juvenile offender fails to complete their sentence, they will be subject to return to juvenile court and be tried there.

This program is beneficial to students who are interested in a career in law and/or criminal justice. Adults are also welcome to join us as volunteers. Students will serve as judges, jurors, attorneys, bailiffs, and clerks. Adults will act as court moderators and assist in administrative duties.  

Our goal is to decrease the amount of repeat juvenile offenders by offering an alternative court setting where they may feel more comfortable speaking and receiving direction and implementing effective programming that encourages change in the offenders. Teen Court also seeks to provide judicial experience and scholarships to all participants. 

Adult Volunteers

If you are over the age of 18 and out of school, you may be eligible to join us as a volunteer. Adult volunteers will join us once a week to assist in moderating Teen Court sentencing hearings.


Complete your intake, access online classes, and more in our participants' portal.

Student Volunteers

If you are 18 or under and currently in school, you may be eligible to join us as a student volunteer. Student volunteers are the heart of this program If you're interested please contact your school counselor for an application.


If you'd like to refer a youth to be a part of the Teen Court program, please contact our program coordinator.


Contact Teen Court

Email Us:

Call/Text Us: 337-205-2049

Program Director: Tytiana McWhorter

Program Coordinator: Tyra McWhorter

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